Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey Single Malt 18 Year 750ml -

    Tullamore Dew 18 Year Old 750ml


    Tullamore D.E.W. 18 Year Old Single Malt Irish whiskey is triple distilled and aged in ex-Bourbon casks for up to 18 years and then finished in 4 different cask types being ex-Oloroso Sherry butts, ex-Port pipes and ex-Madeira drums casks for at least 6 months .Rich and oaky with deep malty notes, caramelized fruit and woody spice Taste: Velvety smooth and mellow vanilla oak notes intertwined with cinnamon, baked apple, toasted marshmallows and biscuit sweetness Finish

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    Tullamore D.E.W. is the original triple distilled, triple blend whiskey. Known the world over for its smooth and gentle complexity. Tullamore D.E.W. is named after Daniel E. Williams, the man who decided that true craft could only come from the True Character and insisted that his whiskey was made accordingly.

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