VeeV Vodka 750ml

    VeeV Vodka 750ml


    VeeV Vodka. was founded by brothers Courtney and Carter Reum in Los Angeles in 2007. What started as a two-man start-up grew into one of the best-selling independent liquor brands in the U.S.

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    VEEV is an active member of 1% for the Planet®, where 1% of topline sales are donated to rainforest preservation and environmental initiatives. After discovering Açai on a surfing trip to Brazil, brothers Courtney and Carter founded VEEV in 2007. The name VEEV is a play on the word "live" in French. In just two years VitaFrute cocktails have become the fastest-growing product in the ready-to-drink category. VEEV won a Rising Star Award, given to the fastest growing spirits brands.

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