Chateau de la Bouyere Bordeaux Blanc 750ml

    Chateau de la Bouyere Bordeaux Blanc 750ml


    Chateau de la Bouyere Bordeaux Blanc. Lovely pale golden colour with a little hints of green. The expressive nose offers intense aromas with exotics and whites flowers. Begins with a refreshing mouth that reveals an ample and harmonious flesh. Slightly lemony reach a pleasantly tasting in final.

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    It is produced by Château de la Bouyère. In the production of the grape varieties used are Sauvignon Blanca and Sémillon, a product of France. with a total vineyard area of ​​more than 120,000 hectares, making it the largest wine-growing area in France. Average vintages produce more than 700 million bottles of Bordeaux wine, ranging from large quantities of everyday table wine, to some of the most expensive and prestigious wines in the world.

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