Achaval Ferrer Quimera 750ml -

    Achaval Ferrer Quimera 750ml


    Achaval Ferrer Quimera. is architecture and design; it is a unique warm-blend that was conceived at the vineyard. Every year Santiago and Roberto look for the meaning within the earth in the search for the impossible wine, making it unique year after year. Thus resulting in a wine with deep shades, aromas that range from stony and earthy, of dark fruits to delicate accents of rosemary, open mouthed, almost feminine and deliciously sour.

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    Since the time it was founded, the wine cellar has pursued a path strongly marked by its philosophy and its vision of wine. Its Italian roots, given by Robert Cipresso himself, have been a pivotal contribution as an ideological foundation, which has been strengthened by team thinking, experience and oenological results. Today, the cellar leaves an unmistakable seal on each one of its wines; this is a result of years of coherence, obsession and respect for nature. In less than 30 minutes from the city of Mendoza you’ll find yourself at the foot of the Andes and very close to Mendoza river. Exactly there awaits you Finca Bella Vista, the heart of our winery.

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