Perinet 1194 Priorat 750ml
Perinet 1194 Priorat. Our traditional plantings of Grenache, Carignan and Syrah are augmented with international varietals in Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Each vineyard block takes on its own character burrowing deep into llicorella, the rare slate and quartz-laden soils that define the Priorat. In conditions almost impossible for other plants to grow, our vines thrive in their search for water and nutrients, a true “struggle of the vines” to produce world-class wines.
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The Perinet estate vineyards encompass three completely unique and distinct micro-climates within the ancient Priorat region. Our site diversity allows our winemaking team to add melody, harmony and complexity within our blends. The three vineyard personalities translate to: warm and fruit-forward (Finca Mas Vell), fresh, vibrant and long (Finca Mas d'en Xes), and spice-laden grapes cooled by Mediterranean breezes (Finca Pendents). These individual climats define our home in the Priorat.