Synthesis Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml -

    Synthesis Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml


    Is blended to showcase the nuances of the Napa Valley floor and counterbalanced by the structure and tertiary notes of the mountains. Always quintessential Napa, it truly depicts the breadth of the valley and distinctness of the vintage. Bold red and purple fruits. Kirsch, mulberry, elderberry with touches of elderflower. Graphite, cocoa dust, and allspice, with structured, supple tannins.

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    The name Martin Ray resonates deeply in the history of California Winemaking. Martin Ray was a pioneer, dedicated to crafting single-varietal, region-specific wine from 1943 through 1972 in Saratoga, and developed what is now one of the most historic properties in California. Nearly twenty years later, Courtney Benham (formerly of Blackstone) purchased the brand, and has been committed to the production of artisanal wines worthy of the Martin Ray name. These wines are also among the elusive "sleeper" values of the state—do not underestimate them based on price! This flagship Cabernet blend is sourced from a roll-call of Napa Valley sub-appellations: 38% St. Helena, 31% Rutherford, 20% Coombsville, 7% Stags Leap District, and 4% Diamond Mountain District. It's aged in 60% new French oak for 18 months.

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