Bellissima Zero Chardonnay 750ml -

    Bellissima Zero Chardonnay 750ml


    Elegant with floral aromas, notes of white flowers, tropical fruits and citrus. The taste is soft and fresh, with an excellent acidity and balance. Winemaking: We have a great respect for the grapes that we use in our wines. Through our winemaking technique we always make sure that we transfer the best of the aromas and perfumes from our organic grapes to the wine.

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    Our winemaking process is patient, allowing us to produce a clean wine with a premium taste. We create our Zero Sugar Chardonnay IGT with a soft pressing of the grapes, short maceration, and low temperature fermentation. The maturation takes place in a steel tank and lasts for approximately 60 days until we achieve a naturally delicious Zero Sugar Chardonnay.

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