Lapostolle Le Rose 750ml -

    Lapostolle Le Rose 750ml


    Lapostolle’s rosé is produced in Chile’s balmy Rapel valley region with a fresh, unctuous blend of Cinsault, Syrah, Grenache and Mourdèdre grapes. Note its clean pale-salmon colour before enjoying its strawberry and red rosebud aroma and juicy flavours.

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    Lapostolle was founded in 1994 by Alexandra Marnier Lapostolle and husband Cyril de Bournet upon their discovery of a unique Clos in the Apalta Valley sheltering 100 year-old pre-phylloxera vines. They quickly realized its potential for producing world-class wines. The Marnier-Lapostolle family has been recognized for fine wines and liqueurs since the early 19th century. In establishing her family’s legacy in the New World, Alexandra brought generations of French winemaking tradition and expertise to the rugged landscape of the Colchagua Valley. Today Charles de Bournet, seventh generation, leads the winery in its newest chapter of innovation, punctuated by the official recognition of the Apalta DO in 2018. Together with Andrea León, Technical Director & Winemaker, they continue to craft wines that honor the winery credo: French in essence, Chilean by birth. The Lapostolle winery is located in Cunaco, Santa Cruz in the Colchagua Valley, but the heart of Lapostolle is a mere 7 km away in El Condor de Apalta, site of the famous Clos. Here, in a horseshoe-shaped valley with decomposing granite slopes formed by the Coastal Cordillera, are the ancient blocks of Cabernet Sauvignon and Carmenere planted between 1910-1945. The vineyard’s south-facing exposure shelters vines from the intense afternoon sun, allowing for a longer maturation producing wines of elegance, balance, concentration and excellent natural acidity. Today, the vineyards span 188 hectares planted to Cabernet, Carmenere, Merlot, and Petit Verdot along with Syrah, Grenache, Mourvedre, and Cinsault between the two Apalta vineyard sites.

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