Chloe Prosecco Brut 750ml -

    Chloe Prosecco Brut 750ml


    Chloe Prosecco is bursting with fresh fruit flavors and fine bubbles with notes of peach, green apple, citrus and floral. Opulent yet balanced, with elegant acidity, this refreshing bubbly offers a crisp finish with a hint of minerality, revealing the proximity to the mountains and calcareous soils where the grapes are grown.

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    Chloe Wines offer the structure and depth of exceptional fruit sourced from the world’s preeminent growing regions to create elegant wines with sophisticated intensity. Made for wine enthusiasts who appreciate all things extraordinary and timeless, the Chloe Wine Collection is crafted to inspire your own memorable occasions.Romanian born Georgetta Dane is the winemaker for the Chloe Wine Collection, where she marries her old world European roots with contemporary American life to craft wines fit for sophisticated yet modern wine lovers. Based in Northern California, Georgetta sources grapes from prized vineyards across the world’s preeminent growing regions to craft ultra-premium, alluring wines with elegant intensity. She appreciates coaxing the fullest expression out of the grapes in each of Chloe’s wines – Prosecco, Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Rosé, Pinot Noir and Red No. 249–to showcase the high-quality fruit and communicate their origins. This dedication to the grapes and winemaking process allows for each of Chloe’s wines to blossom into a well-balanced yet luxurious product that delivers a distinctive experience. Bestowed the title of Best Woman Winemaker by the International Women's Wine Competition in 2012, Georgetta is especially passionate about creating wines that enable sophisticated consumers to create timeless memories during special occasions and capture beautiful moments in the every day.

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