Gai'a Wines Notios White 750ml -

    Gai'a Wines Notios White 750ml


    These two dominant varieties have been compatible for years and come from neighboring regions. Roditis Alepou originated from the mountainous Aigialeia, in approximately 1000 m altitude and Moschofilero, originated from the Arcadian plateau can be always blended harmoniously in all the wineries of the Peloponnese.

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    GAIA Wine Producing Company was founded in 1994 by Leon Karatsalos (Agronomist, University of Thessaloniki) and John Paraskevopoulos (University of Thessaloniki Doctor of Enology with the University of Bordeaux). In the same year, Thalassitis VQPRD was introduced into the Greek market, followed by Notios White in the following year. 1996 saw expansion for the firm as it acquired a private vineyard and a 1,500HL capacity winery in the Nemea region of Greece. In 1997, the limited production Notios Red was introduced into the market made from indigenous grapes.

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