St. Supery Sauvignon Blanc Napa Valley 750ml

    St. Supery Sauvignon Blanc 750ml


    St. Supery Sauvignon Blanc Napa Valley. Powerful green lime aromas and grated lime peel combine with fresh fennel, caper and grapefruit. Green lime and grapefruit continue through the flavors with a vibrant and bright citrus feel, and threads of caper and anise spearing the profile. Lemon and lime zest zing through the finish of this opulent sauvignon blanc.

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    St. Supéry Estate Vineyards and Winery produces 100% estate grown, certified Napa Green wines, focusing on Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, and additional red Bordeaux varietals. Located in the renowned Rutherford growing region at the heart of Napa Valley Expressive, offering a mouthwatering mix of green apple, passion fruit and mango flavors. Light and refreshing, with accents of white pepper and lemongrass on the finish.

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