Dry Creek Vineyard Fume Blanc 750ml -

    Dry Creek Fume Blanc


    Dry Creek Vineyard Fume Blanc 750ml. At first swirl, aromatics of Meyer lemon, grapefruit, pineapple and lemongrass leap forward from the glass with nuances of freshly cut grass and cucumber. On the palate, the wine is bright and refreshing with flavors of lemon, passionfruit, grapefruit and lemongrass with underlying minerality. This wine is mouthwatering and delicious with lovely intensity and a clean, pure finish.

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    The history of Dry Creek Vineyard is a long and colorful one. Founded in 1972 by David S. Stare, Dry Creek Vineyard paved the way for a renaissance of winemaking and viticulture in the Dry Creek Valley. Before his arrival, the Dry Creek Valley was little more than a few family farms and prune orchards.

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