Ana Maria Tequila Rosa Joven 750ml

    Ana Maria Tequila Rosa Joven 750ml


    Ana Maria Tequila Rosa Joven. Sourced from estate-grown agave in the majestic highlands of Jalisco, Ana María Tequila's soft pink hue is achieved by the addition of fruit-forward Cabernet Sauvignon from the Valle de Guadalupe, Mexico. In combination with blanco tequila, this yields a clean and bright finish with subtle notes of violet blossoms and ripe berries.

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    Is inspired by folklore and brought to life by the López family of Destiladora Bonanza, located on the same estate as historic Casa San Matias (NOM 1103). The granddaughter of a celebrated distiller, Ana María filled empty wine bottles from the great barrels of her grandfather's distillery, creating a rose-hued tequila with tannic hints.

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