Tempus Fugit Spirits Bitter 700ml

    Tempus Fugit Spirits Bitter 700ml


    Tempus Fugit Spirits Gran Classico Bitter. This classic aperitif is an infusion of numerous herbs and roots including bitter orange peel, wormwood, gentian, rhubarb, and other aromatic plants. Gran Classico Bitter’s color is a natural result of the herbs and plants infused into pure grain spirit produced to the highest Swiss standards and is not artificially colored in any way.

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    Originally, one founder of Tempus Fugit Spirits was the creator of the modern protocol of the highly acclaimed Vieux Pontarlier Absinthe and had also been responsible for the creation or co-development of over 25 European absinthe brands since 2001. After the US re-legalization of Absinthe in 2007; big, established US importers showed little interest in small batch, high-quality distilled European absinthe from historic protocols. Undeterred, we took it upon ourselves to actually become an independent US importer, with the goal to be the Sole US Agent for several premium, award-winning absinthes from the historic absinthe producing regions in Switzerland and France. We are pleased to be at the forefront of this exciting and resurgent spirits category, which has now become a fixture in any well-stocked drinking establishment or consumers’ personal spirits collection.

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