Glenmorangie The Quinta Ruban Scotch Whisky 750ml -

    Glenmorangie The Quinta Ruban 750ml


    Glenmorangie The Quinta Ruban Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky.  In our giraffe-high stills, it begins soft and fruity, then gets darker and deeper as we let it age for 14 years in bourbon casks and port casks from Portugal.  Is a whisky journey into the wild – a dark and delectable forest where the wind whistles with gusts of peppermint and dark swirls of chocolate can happen at any moment. The finished whisky is a thicket of voluptuous flavour combinations. Walnut and black pepper. Mandarin orange and melted marshmallow. Dark chocolate bar and peppermint.

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    In 1843, William Matheson founded the Glenmorangie Distillery in the Scottish Highlands. Inspired by the Distillery’s peaceful surroundings on the banks of the Dornoch Firth, he brought forth a pioneering single malt whisky wonderfully complex and exceptionally smooth. Ever since, we have pursued our craft with uncompromising dedication – endlessly creative in our quest for perfection.

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