Shibui White Oak Cask 10 Year Single Grain Whisky 750ml -

    Shibui Single Grain 10 Year White Oak Whisky 750ml


    Shibui Whisky White Oak Cask 10 Year Single Grain Whisky. Exclusively distilled, matured & bottled in Okinawa, Delivers aromas & flavors reminiscent of a fine Parisian bakery - Whipped Cream, Tropical Fruit & Sea Salt Caramel. Virgin European White Oak Casks balance the bright aromas of the spirit and deliver a luscious whisky of peerless quality.

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    Celebrating the art of whisky making, unique Japanese processes & the land from where they hail, Shibui whiskies are as exceptional as the people who craft them. The way we approach world blend & single grain expressions translates into a broader philosophy of life.

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