Glen Scotia Double Cask 750ml -

    Glen Scotia Double Cask 750ml


    Very sweet. Initially, it is all creme caramel, fruit sugars, wood sugar, toffee and fudge before some apple and peach come through. In time a charred note of bourbon with a pleasing dusty dryness. Has some power. Taste : Sweet start and quite fat and though the alcohol gives a little tongue-tingling buzz the result is a good mid-palate weight. The dry distillery character is there still, but there is now depth to counter. Water slightly dismantles the different elements, but adds some dried mint. Finish : Deep and dark, with gentle spice and lingering peat smoke.

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    Glen Scotia is one of the smallest Scotch whisky distilleries in Scotland but one of the big names in Campbeltown's illustrious past — with a story beginning in the 19th century. Our distillery still maintains much of its original design, including the fermenters, stillroom, and dunnage warehouse dating from the 1830s.

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