Caffo Vecchia Grappa 750ml -

    Caffo Vecchia Grappa 750ml


    Caffo’s Vecchia Grappa is the result of over a century of experience in distillation. A slow steam distillation of fine Italian grapes and subsequent aging in oak barrels gives this grappa the seriousness of age and the finesse of a masterfully produced spirit. Aged in French oak (barrique) for 12 months, this grappa is light gold in color, toning down the harsh edge often associated with grappa. Made with pinot grigio, refosco, chardonnay, and sauvignon blanc, as well as gaglioppo and magliocco.

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    The history of the Caffo family business dates back to the end of the nineteenth century, when Giuseppe Caffo, the Master Distiller, class of 1865, began distilling pomace on the side of volcanic Mount Etna. After years of experience trading and managing distilleries, his dream became reality when in 1915 he bought an old distillery in Santa Venerina, Sicily. He intended fully dedicating himself to his passion and passed the knowledge he required onto his children. Initially, production was based in particular on spirits, alcohol and derivatives from wine production, however the Caffo distillery gradually began producing and becoming renowned on the market for certain liqueurs obtained from ancient recipes, the result of patient and painstaking research and re-working. These products, the fruit of wise dosing of aromatic and medicinal herbs, infused with top quality alcohol, immediately pleased drinks connoisseurs and the refined clientele of that age.

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