Ketel One Oranje Vodka 750ml -

    Ketel One Oranje Vodka 750ml


    The essential oils are extracted and slowly infused into the vodka, creating an oily textured body with vibrant orange notes that are more bitter than sweet. Ketel One Oranje Vodka is triple-distilled resulting in crystal clear vodka fit to be enjoyed on the rocks, with a splash of water or in a tall cocktail with tonic.Fragrance : Zesty orange freshness fills your nose on the first nosing.Flavor : Notice the bright orange crispness and juicy orange notes.Feel : The feel gives a generous, distinctive silky softness coating your tongue.Finish : A lively, warm hint of spice lingering on the palate, with a long finish.

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    Listening once again to our extended family – the bartenders of the world – we draw on generations of distilling expertise to create yet another fantastic addition to the list of cocktail spirits. Years of experimentation later sees the launch of Ketel One Citroen flavoured vodka, made with natural oils from the best lemons and limes from around the world, using the classic Ketel One Vodka as its base. We still taste every production run before bottling; detecting changes and qualities a computer cannot distinguish. And a good job too, because Ketel One Vodka was voted the ‘Best Selling Vodka’ and ‘Most Trending Vodka’ of 2015 in the latest ‘The World’s 50 Best Bars Brand Report’, by Drinks International.

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