Lunazul Tequila Añejo Tequila 750ml -

    Lunazul Tequila Añejo 750ml


    Lunazul is hand-harvested and small-batched distilled using only the finest 100% blue agave in the world. Each small batch is double-distilled in traditional Cognac stills and aged in Heaven Hill Bourbon Barrels for unsurpassed flavor. Lunazul is available in five varieties including Blanco, El Humoso (Smoked Blanco), Reposado, Anejo, and Primero (Cyrstalino Anejo).

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    What goes into Lunazul Tequila? Is it simply the ingredients? Is it our tried and true processes? Or is it something more? For over 250 years, our family has been crafting some of the world's finest Tequila. And over those years, we have had a hand in creating something more than a Tequila, but a legacy. Our roots run much deeper than the agaves in our fields.

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