X-Rated Fusion Liqueur 750ml
Is a sensuous blend of ultra-premium French vodka and blood oranges, mingled with mango and passion fruit. On the rocks or as a flavorful, colorful addition to champagne or any cocktail, X-Rated Fusion Liqueur blends tropical fruit flavors with edgy citrus notes to deliver a long, smooth, semi-sweet finish.
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A sensuous fusion of ultra premium French vodka & Sicilian blood orange mingling with mango and passion fruits.X-Rated Fusion Liqueur is a sensuous blend of ultra-premium French vodka and blood oranges, mingled with mango and passion fruit. On the rocks or as a flavorful, colorful addition to champagne or any cocktail, X-Rated Fusion Liqueur blends tropical fruit flavors with edgy citrus notes to deliver a long, smooth, semi-sweet finish.