Green Spot Irish Whiskey Finished In Chateau Montelena Casks 750ml -

    Green Spot Irish Whiskey 750ml


    Green Spot Irish Whiskey Finished In Chateau Montelena Casks. Traditional fresh peeled green apple, honey, and cut meadow grasses are all present in this beloved Irish whiskey. Deepening and enriching the familiarity are caramelized peach crisp with sweet cream and a smattering of deeply enjoyable dark and bitter berries punctuate this smooth sipping whiskey.

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    From Calistoga, California to County Cork, this zinfandel-finished whiskey has bramble, damson jam, red apple, and glace cherry, with cake mix, flaked almonds, and a steel-tipped edge of spice. Red apple, lemon peel, pithy orange, and crunchy red apple, teasing spice, with just a suggestion of mint mingled into the dry, spicy finish.

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