Patron Tequila Anejo 750ml

    Patron Tequila Anejo 750ml


    Patrón Añejo is a delicate blend of uniquely aged tequilas, all aged in small white oak barrels for a minimum of 12 months. Similar to winemaking, each vintage of Patrón Añejo is carefully blended to produce a smooth and sweet tasting tequila. It’s distinct oakwood flavor complemented by vanilla, raisins, and honey with a caramel and smoky finish makes it perfect for sipping.

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    In 1989 two visionaries, Paul Mitchell Systems co-founder John Paul DeJoria, and entrepreneur Martin Crowley formed The Patron Spirits Company with the singular goal of producing ”the best tequila in the world.”They took the 100% pure Weaber blue agave, grown in the hills of Jalisco Mexico, and blended traditional techniques with modern technology.

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