Breckenridge Vodka Espresso 750ml -

    Breckenridge Espresso Vodka 750ml


    Breckenridge Distillery Espresso Vodka. Full-bodied, roasted to perfection, local decaf espresso is cold infused with our vodka and natural flavors. Earthy, roasted espresso melds with pure maple syrup to create a pronounced vanilla finish that’s not excessively sweet. Reminiscent of a chocolate and maple-drizzled waffle and a warm cup of coffee.

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    Since coming online in 2008 and releasing its first vodka and bourbon three years later, Breckenridge Distillery has quickly become an award-winning producer of fine spirits, being designated one of the top three bourbons in the U.S. How it all came to be, however, stems from a mix of just the right ingredients, a hint of luck and a deep love for quality whiskey.

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