Henri Bourgeois Haute Victoire Quincy 750ml
Reference : 1318417
Henri Bourgeois Haute Victoire Quincy. Great typicity, this wine of a pale golden robe presents delicate citrus and white flower aromas. Fresh and lively yet round on the palate, Haute Victoire is a well-balanced wine. It’s fruity and very aromatic aspects add to its fine and elegant structure.
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The story of our family is told over ten generations of winegrowers. Men who cultivate an attachment – in Sancerre, in the village of Chavignol – as well as daring. And more besides: a commitment, that of revealing the great terroirs of the appellation. Every day, the same values drive us : passion, spurred on by effort and perfectionism, for giving life to wine ; a calling to express all the aspects of Sancerre, its identities born of terroirs rich in their variety; a celebration of the Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir varietals. For 10 generations, the Famille Bourgeois has committed efforts and emotions to working with vines, creating wines, and sharing their personalities.