BenRiach 12 Years Old 750ml
Reference : 1851
BenRiach 12 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. A big Benriach, taking the distillery's fruity spirit and adding layers of rich and dark flavour to it. Aged for 12 years in bourbon, sherry and port casks, it's a spicy dram with loads of dried fruit and soft spice.
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Built in 1898 in the north of Speyside, BenRiach Distillery is known for doing things a little differently. Our philosophy is a creative approach to whisky distilling, cask maturation and blending, all in the pursuit of flavour. It is built around the distillery’s decades-old craft and is embodied in every step of our whisky making. We distill three distinct styles of whisky at BenRiach, matured in a diverse range of cask types: classic unpeated, Highland peat-smoked, and small batches of triple-distilled whisky. BenRiach’s rich layers of Speyside taste come from ‘fruit-forward’ distillation and the mineral-rich water, mashing with four (instead of the usual three) mineral-rich infusions, and onsite floor maltings to turn locally sourced barley by hand.