Contratto Vermouth Rosso 750ml
Reference : 28300
Contratto Vermouth Rosso. Slightly lower in sugar and alcohol than its bianco counterpart, Contratto’s Vermouth Rosso is quickly establishing itself as the apertif and cocktail vermouth of choice. Herbacious, sweet, acidic and more pronounced in its bitter character than its competition, The aromatic blend of herbs and spices gently infuses the wine to create a unique bouquet and taste.
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The original recipe for Contratto Bitter dates back to 1933 and is based on a mixture of 24 delicately infused, premium natural herbs, spices, roots, and seeds combined with Italian Brandy. A slow, cold maceration process is carried out according to tradition, resulting in a sophisticated, all natural elixir. This complex yet well-balanced "boutique" apertif is capable of turning any CONTRATTO Bitter-based cocktail into an exceptional experience.