Piccini Chianti 750ml
Reference : 6829341
Piccini Orange Chianti. As proven by the great success of its unmistakable label, is a deep, ruby red with an intense and persistent fragrance of ripe red fruit and aromatic herbs. It is complex, smooth wine, with soft tannins and a dried red fruit closing.
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TRADITION SINCE 1882 Our tradition begins in 1882 with Angiolo Piccini, from a small family enterprise of only 7 ha. Guided only by passion for winemaking , from him the next generations inherited the most important rule in Piccini winemaking: “It is not how much you do, but how much passion you put in the doing.” Nowadays, Tenute Piccini has four separate estates in its portfolio and ranks as one of the most recognized brands of Tuscan wine in the world. Mario and Martina Piccini, now the IV generation of Piccini Family remember what their father once said: “Everything that we do in the present is both for the past and for the future.” This has been Piccini’s guiding philosophy over the generations of the family, putting together the great values of the past and keeping our constant focus on the future. FAMILY Wine is the story of a family - a chronicle of 4 generations. It is also the history of the birth and growth of a tradition of quality. It is a story of adventure and patient endeavor, of work and skill, of hardships overcome and success dearly bought, a story of wine and sunshine.