Secret de Leoube Rose 750ml
Reference : 6114130
Secret de Leoube Rose. Distinctly pale and with the most delicate of pear aromas, this dry rose wine is assured and effortless, remarkable for its texture and sensation in the mouth. Made from lower yields, it is delicately scented, cool and yet underlaid with slightly more exotic aromas that betray its Provençal origins – herbs, fennel, a touch of aniseed.
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This centuries old, Certified Organic estate is situtated on 560 hectares of along the stunning coastline of the Mediterranean Sea in Bormes-les-Mimosas, France. Provence's warm climate, proximity to the water, cooling Mistral winds, and uniquely diverse soils create an ideal setting for Léoube's old-vine, estate-grown varieties. Winemaker Romain Ott forbids the use of weed killers, picks only by hand, and maintains very low yields.