Henri Bonnerue Pouilly Fuisse 750ml
Reference : 14901R-22
Henri Bonnerue Pouilly-Fuisse Les Deux Roches. For most people, the Chardonnay grape varietal is one of the quintessential white wine grapes. It isn't difficult to understand why; Chardonnay may well have started off in regions of France (where it is still used widely today in both single variety white wines as well as sparkling Champagne wines) but it is now grown in every wine producing country in the world.
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There are few more famous wine regions in the world than Burgundy, and this special area has given much to raise the profile of fine French wines around the world. Although most commonly associated with excellent quality red wines made with the Pinot Noir varietal, this region is home to several red and white varietals and produces and impressive range of wines, from still to sparkling, dry to sweet, full bodied and aged, and from to light and drinkable. The region of Burgundy has been producing excellent wines for centuries, with much evidence to suggest that the ancient Gauls were the first to cultivate the native vines which flourish here in the warm summers, and on the excellent soil fed by local rivers. This type of heritage has led to a wine industry highly unique, deeply traditional, and with an exquisite reputation to uphold.