Benvolio Prosecco 750ml
Reference : 9183584
Benvolio Prosecco sparkling wine is a true expression of Italian prosecco wine and the renowned Friuli region’s terroir – the vibrant, crisp acidity acts as a counterpoint to the flavors of ripe citrus, fresh peaches, lemon, green apples, and grapefruit. The finish is light, refreshing, and crisp.
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Benvolio is made from grapes grown by our farmers, friends and neighbors in Friuli, a wine that displays true regional fl avor and has a distinctive personality. Our local winemakers spend much of their time in the allows them to select the very best grapes this unique Italian region has to offer. Benvolio means "well-wisher" in Italian. As such, it is our wish that you enjoy the unmistakable flavors our winemakers have selected for you.