Bailly Lapierre Rose Cremant 750ml
Reference : 2866
Bailly Lapierre Rose Cremant Bour Brut. Is entirely light and fresh sparkling wine with a pleasent aroma of red berry fruit. The first variety brings a winey character, the second its unmistakable aromas of red berry fruit. A wine for easy enjoyment par excellence, it possesses a delicious softness free of anything sugary. Entirely fresh and with real finesse, its mousse displays an almost frothy, airy lightness.
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Bailly, a village in Burgundy, is the birthplace of the AOC Crémant de Bourgogne. Since 1972, in an underground quarry providing unique natural conditions, they have produced sparkling wines that belong to a world of enchantment. They come from superb noble grapes, hand-harvested then vinified and patiently matured.