The Little Sheep Pinot Noir 750ml
Reference : 13731
The Little Sheep Pinot Noir 750ml. Light and easy drinking with notes of cherries and plums. Pinot Noir is one of the oldest grapes used for wine and can be dated back to the first century when the Romans began to cultivate the grape. The Little Sheep of France is exceptionally smooth, with soft, silky tannins, red fruit aromas and cherry flavors.
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The Little Sheep wines are among our most popular and we could not be more delighted with the results of the latest vintages. From Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay to Rosé and Pinot Noir, The Little Sheep wines are crafted from the world's top wine production regions. They are created in a spirit of delivering quality and value with a sense of exploration. Each wine represents an opportunity to discover something new and celebrate the beauty that nature provides.