Beluga Vodka Gold Line 750ml
Reference : 6773945
Beluga Vodka Gold Line. Needless to say, it is dedicated to the true connoisseurs of strong spirits. Unlike other Beluga varieties, in this series our trademark blend of artesian water and malt spirit passes through not three but five rounds of filtering.
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Beluga is a world famous noble Russian vodka. Thanks to its aristocratic origins and idyllic quality, Beluga has claimed its rightful place in the global culture of spirit satisfaction and consumption. To create Beluga the most noble of Russian Vodkas, we chose The Mariinsk Distillery. The Mariinsk Distillery was established in 1900 in the heart of Siberia in one of the most environmentally clean and tranquil areas of Russia. We believe that true Russian vodka can only be produced exclusively in Russia.