Toschi Nocello Walnut 700ml
Reference : 32311
Toschi Nocello Walnut. With a delicate, fragrant flavour, Nocello is a liqueur made from walnuts and hazelnuts. Ideal served straight, on the rocks or chilled in the freezer, A wonderful addition to espresso coffee and cappuccino, and also as an ingredient in cocktails and long drinks.
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The company Toschi was established in 1945 in Vignola (Modena), when Giancarlo and Lanfranco Toschi first dipped the famous Vignola cherries into alcohol to preserve them and enjoy them all year round, Over its 65 years in the business, the company has enormously enlarged its range of products; now they range from fruits steeped in alcohol to liqueurs (Fragolì, Mirtillì, Nocino, Nocello, Lemoncello), from syrups to semiprocessed products for pastry makers and ice-cream parlours (Toppings for garnishes, ice-cream bases, etc.), to the Aceto Balsamico di Modena IGP (PGI, protected geographical indication), The mission of Toschi Vignola Srl is to offer quality products to the market, at the same time respecting tradition and territorial features.