Luxardo Sambuca Dei Cesari 750ml
Reference : 1623
Luxardo Sambuca Dei Cesari. Color : Crystal clear. Aroma : Pine and coriander gin-like notes with cracked black pepper anise and black liquorice. Taste : Syrupy mouth feel, very sweet, clean rich aniseed and liquorice with subtle coriander.
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The MARASCHINO liqueur became an essential cocktail ingredient internationally, along with other products that the Luxardo family began producing soon after the foundation, such as the Cherry Liqueur “Sangue Morlacco”, the Original Maraschino Cherries, Limoncello and many others. In 1913 the third generation heir MICHELANGELO LUXARDO built a very modern distillery, probably the largest in the entire Austro – Hungarian Empire. Even today people arriving in Zara cannot help noticing the imposing building on the harbour edge, which housed the headquarters and the residence of the LUXARDO FAMILY.