Cadenhead's Old Raj Dry Gin 700ml
Reference : 6113739
Cadenhead's Old Raj Dry Gin 110 Proof (Blue). Is a classic London dry gin, distilled in Scotland and bottled at a hearty. This gin is perfect for any gin lover looking for a bolder, more intense flavor profile. The nose is juniper-forward, with notes of citrus and floral aromatics. Is a dry gin that is distilled in Scotland. It is made with juniper, coriander, and other botanicals. On the palate, the gin is dry and crisp, with a long, juniper-forward finish.
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Cadenhead's Old Raj Gin is distinctive in that it contains a measure of saffron, the rare and costly spice derived from the crocus flower. In addition to a slightly spicy flavour, this also imparts a pale yellow colour to Old Raj. The addition of saffron is undertaken personally by the Company Chairman in order to ensure a consistency in flavour and colour each time Old Raj is bottled.