West Cork Irish Whiskey Barrel Proof 750ml
Reference : 1460
Condition: New product
Weighing in at a whopping 62% alcohol, this whiskey has intense flavors of toasted oats, sea salt preserved lemon, and vanilla cream. The light straw color is misleading, because this is a flavor packed whiskey shows complex maturity and a long, resolved finish.
$59.99 $59.99 (Tax excl.)
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West Cork Distillers was founded in 2008 in Union Hall, West Cork, Ireland, by three life-long friends. The Kennedy name is part of their heritage and two of them were deep sea fishermen all their lives.Comprised of a malt and grain blend at a ratio of 33:66. Once blended, the product is recessed in exhausted B3 former bourbon casks for 6 months to marry together.